Olivier Guerrero, the CEO of Franchise World Link and with Amir Hossein Roshanzamir, the director of Franchise World Link in Middle East, attended ISMEEU two days seminar at IESE Business School where Amir presented a paper titled “ Exploring Opportunities for Engagement and Connectivity” which was a pilot study on transforming country reputation and promoting authentic brands in the global market.

ISMEEU is an international network of Scholars at European Management and Economics Schools established in 2011 to provide a forum on learning, information sharing and knowledge exchange among its members including professors, researchers, postdoctoral fellows and doctoral students. ISMEEU brings together academics from all over the world, by organizing and promoting an annual seminar and extending and integrating knowledge that contributes to the improved teaching and research in management and economies sciences.

This year IESE Business School which is one of the top business schools in the world sponsored 6th ISMEEU seminar on 26th and 27th at its south campus in Barcelona. In the opening session on May 26th morning, Professor Ahmad Rahnema, Deputy Associated Dean for Faculty, Director of Financial Management Department and holder of the Fuel Freedom Chair for Energy and Social Development at IESE welcomed the participants and briefly introduced IESE Business School and addressed some important issues on academic Job Market. The session continued with panel discussion of other keynote speakers including Professor Hossein Dadfar from Department of Management and Engineering of Linköping University, Sweden. On 26th afternoon, the seminar had two parallel sessions namely Management and Economics where the papers were presented and discussed by participants. The second day was panel discussion dedicated to research standards and techniques to publish in Top-tier Journals.

Olivier shared his views during the session at IESE Business School, south campus “ I am delighted to meet so many intellectual people who are deeply involved in research and innovation. As I listened to some of that papers, I found that they can even have practical application in our projects. We are, therefore, looking into the possibilities of collaboration with these researchers in near future. “ Amir also stated “ we are now trying to blend academic rigor with practical experience in our projects and I presume that the possible collaboration with ISMEEU can expand the scope of our consulting services and open up a new windows of opportunity.

About Franchise World Link

Operating in more than 15 countries, Franchise World Link aims to help international franchisors and entrepreneurs to grow their business in fast developing countries of Africa and Asia, where there is a large potential for franchise business opportunities today. We liaise investors and entrepreneurs with franchisors worldwide and help investors to access the main brands. You may visit our website at www.franchiseworldlink.com for further information.

From the 11th to the 13th of May Franchise World Link had gathered in Barcelona from all over the world to celebrate our annual convention. We are straightening our knowledge and know-how on international business expansion. With our growing network of country managers responsible for the expansion strategy of many businesses in various franchise industries and covering over 50 countries we help franchisor’s business to expand from Europe to Asia and Africa and visa versa.


We are the experts on international expansion strategy and will help you to find master candidates your franchise network. We deliver high quality highly personalised services which help your business grow abroad. Our local country knowledge proves to be essential to deal with local laws and customs of doing business which is one of the key factors of success.

Delifrance, the world’s leading French bakery-café-restaurant chain, has entered into an agreement with Franchise World Link on February 2017 for further expansion into the GGC (Gulf Cooperation Council).

Michel Nguyen, the Retail Franchise Director shared his views during the inauguration of Delifrance in Dubai. Delifrance is an international franchisor with over 400 outlets across 13 countries, with its most recent openings including Hong Kong and Milan”. He further stated that “We consider the Middle East as a strategic place for our future expansion and believe Franchise World Link expertise and strong network can promote French fine dining and our elegant Parisian flare in this region“.

During the inauguration ceremony Amir Hossein Roshanzamir the Middle East’s Director of Franchise World Link indicated “Franchise World Link team appreciate the confidence and trust that Delifrance has placed on us and we are delighted to contribute to the regional expansion of a renown brand like Delifrance”. Amir also added “There are ties between Delifrance and Franchise World Link since we are cooperating with them in two other countries namely Morocco and South Africa and I am sure this collaboration will only grow stronger in the near future“.

Operating in more than 15 countries, Franchise World Link aims to help international franchisors and entrepreneurs to grow their business in fast developing countries of Africa and Asia, where there is a large potential for franchise business opportunities today. We liaise investors and entrepreneurs with franchisors worldwide and help investors to access the main brands.

If you are an investor seeking for lucrative opportunities to invest in a master franchise in the region, you may contact Amir: amir.roshanzamir@franchiseworldlink.com www.franchiseworldlink.com

Going international for a franchise organisation is not always easy. And once should learn from the various ways the industry has been moving over the last decades.

The key aspect is to think ahead and decide on a strategy.

In the late 90’ Michael Porter was already mentioning that companies had stopped thinking strategically. They were looking for a quick return on investment and copying what the others corporations were doing. This was and it is still the trend in franchising. A “me to” strategy can be observed with many franchisors. A lot of them just want short term to reduce costs and increase profits quickly without any strategic thinking.

Strategic issues in franchising abroad in term of geographies and market approach will have a direct impact in the franchisor medium and long term viability.

Internationalization of Franchise businesses is booming and we are in the midst of a new revolution driven by globalization and technology.

Strategic issues are completely different from tactical issues or operational issues.

For example companies like Tea Shop had planned a long time ago there strategic way of seen their expansion. We can observe from successful franchisors or licensors that the definition of the strategic issues is done by the board of directors or by the CEO.

One of the first steps of the analysis is the geography and the social economic aspects that would influence which territories to tackle first.

The world is changing and Asia and Africa are incredibly attractive territories for franchising or licensing with a large potential for the future. The next decades will see dramatic population changes in the world:

By 2050, India will have overtaken the US as the world’s second largest economy

According to a report by “ Ecademy Asia Pacific”, the annual revenue from Asia’s franchise markets are growing at over US$50 billion annually, and annual revenue will grow at over US$100 billion annually within five years. 

In view of such encouraging statistics, Africa and Asia will be is attracting like-minded potential investors, entrepreneurs and new industry players.

More and more medium size franchisors will have to study the opportunity, the risk and decide on a strategy of going abroad.

Worlds Largest Economies 2050

Over the various successful internationalization franchisors we are helping, we at Franchise World Link a company which connects franchise entrepreneurs internationally had identified 2 key success factors for international franchise expansion:

1-  A strong willingness to franchise the business abroad is important: 

Adapting a successful franchise concept in another part of the world is not easy.

First it is necessary to have a market analysis and costumer buying behaviours study to understand if the Franchise concept would be suitable for the country.

Then a territory studies must decide how to target the country. This has to be largely accepted and explain internally. Then the strategy should be explained internally in the entire corporation must buy into it.

Some franchisors will just manage opportunities in foreign countries but ideally an international expansion plan is of paramount importance.  At Franchise World Link we have seen many franchisors or even licensors with a good local concept trying to go everywhere with no management strategic thinking. But we have seen as well franchisors like TAB an American franchise concept with a clear international strategy about how to go internationally.

Going everywhere and too fast, managing only day to day opportunities in various countries cannot stand as a strategy. Global franchise expansion should be done step by step through real strategic thinking and the driven factors should revolve around the quality of the partners you find at the early stage.

If  a Regional Franchisor is already present in some neighbouring countries, then it would be easier to define which region they want to target next. There are 2 schools of thinking: The first school advocates expanding to culturally closed countries as long as your franchise business concept is exportable.

Any franchisor will need first to analyse in which countries they are bound to be successful and what adaptations would be needed to attract country master franchisee.

This truly is a challenge and the entire corporation has to rethink its strategy. The strategy must also be shared with the shareholders and not left restrictively to the International Expansion director.

Ideally, at the beginning a small culturally open minded team with international experience would be required. Companies need to forecast enough internal resources and have a coherent internal financial model.

2-  A good legal advisor is really key:

What a lot of franchisors really need is a good legal advisor. In their country of origin, their legal department must be familiar with international operations and foreign countries (or eventually this could be subcontracted).

In the destination country the legal advisor will need a similar specialist to draft a good master franchise agreement. Each country is different and the Master Franchise agreement requires to be reviewed locally, in line with local laws and regulations. Then the pilot process and the disclosure documents may vary from one country to another.

The legal aspect of franchise is extremely regulated in the USA and Europe for example and less organized and structure in Africa or even some fast growing countries in Asia.

Some countries would request an authorization from (like in many countries in South East Asia the government would require to be a master franchisee a first pilot. This first pilot would be necessary before the franchise master should be authorized to sell franchise units.

But this would be as well very useful for both the franchisor and the franchisee to learn from mistakes.

At Franchise World Link we have identified with our clients one key internal and external motivation factor that have a direct impact on franchising overseas:

1-  An external motivation factor:

External consideration will help the franchisor to drive and push its business to identify international franchise opportunities.  If the shareholders or the board of director are comfortable with the actual profit figures it would be complicated. Internal resistances would be a limitation factor. On the contrary at Franchise World Link, we have identified that if you have an exit strategy to sell your business; this will boost considerably your Global franchise expansion. Being in various selected countries, with a franchise concept that works abroad and that is successful, would considerably increase considerably the value of the franchisor’s corporation.

Furthermore, when talking to suppliers, partners, new prospect unit franchisee, and new potential master franchisee this would also considerably increase the bargaining power of the franchisor.

2-     An internal motivation factor for the actual franchise network:

Assuming that the actual franchise network in the country / or region of origin is very satisfied and franchisee and country master franchises are comfortable with the actual image and dimension of the franchisor network it would be complicated to boost more countries.

However, if the actual network is not represented internationally there would be an immediate positive effect with the actual franchise network. Opening new countries and communicating it properly in the franchise network would considerably increase the motivation of actual franchisee, masters, multi-franchisee and employees in general. Facially there will be a positive impact in the franchise valuation of units and master when they would sell (what we normally call a transfer). 

Being perceived as an international franchise network will boost considerably the financial value of the unit franchise or the master franchise when a transfer is envisaged or even when the franchisor wants to sell its business to a larger franchisor. We have seen it recently with the example of Quick restaurants and Burger King.

The world is changing very fast and franchising overseas could bring incredible opportunities for generating both new revenue and new profit growth to franchisors and licensors.


Olivier Guerrero – CEO Franchise World Link Corp

Contact us (info@franchiseworldlink.com) if you need help with bringing your franchise business abroad.

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Interview with David Borgel – country manager of Franchise World Link in France – is featured in French magazine Les Echos Franchise.

French franchise networks must be well supported before embarking in a developing franchise internationally.
Franchisor should take the time to improve his concept in France before developing abroad and check if the local study market confirm the potential
The investor profile and the adaptation of the concept are important elements for successful development in the foreign country.
Becoming a master franchisee has 2 sides: being a franchisee and a franchisor at the same time.
The adventure is not without risks and requires specific skills and substantial investment.
On the 17th of March at 11.00 am we will look into the concrete example of expansion of an American brand to France. Webinar is hosted by CEO of Franchise World Link – Olivier Guerrero and AXE RESEAUX consultant – David Borgel.

Franchise World link – an international master franchise broker – organized a TAB Discovery day in Barcelona last Wednesday. Franchise World link is a global company in the franchise industry which helps franchisors to expand their business in various countries across Europe, Asia and Africa.

TAB – The Alternative Board – is one of multiple opportunities we have in our portfolio. TAB started in the USA more than 25 years ago, providing very affordable advisory board and executive coaching services for owners of privately owned businesses and is now looking to develop its business model across Europe and Africa.

The potential Master Franchisee would need to have corporate experience in management, consultancy or business development, as well as some expertise and ability to develop a TAB franchise network in Spain. In exchange, TAB provides outstanding ROI, consistent revenue stream, marketing, sales and training support, exclusivity and great work/life balance. If you have been working in a corporate environment and now looking for more flexible options, TAB is a very interesting emerging opportunity, and brings a lot of value to its clients, with promising growth projections.

If you are interested in investing in Master Franchise opportunity for TAB in Spain, please contact us at info.spain@franchiseworldlink.com or call: 0034 93 547 82 24 and we will send you more information and arrange a follow-up meeting.

Olivier Guerrero, CEO of Franchise World Link has recently participated in a Sunday Brunch talk focused on Franchise, Fashion and Retail on radio CoolturaFM in Barcelona. Olivier explained how Franchise systems work, why they are so successful and why adjusting the strategy to the local market is so important. (Minutes 48 – 56).

Operating in 10 countries around the Globe, Franchise World Link helps franchisor to succeed abroad and focuses on accessing Asia and Africa. Olivier is confident that African countries, which are just starting to emerge as an area of interest for franchisor, have a huge growth potential and even though this continent lacks rules and regulations, it is rapidly growing and can no longer be ignored. Franchise World Link has developed a locally based network of partners, able to provide all needed support, consultancy and the sourcing of qualified Master Franchisee in the country of interest for your business. Franchise World Link is very successful in Europe as well and currently working with many well-known brands.

If you are interested in learning more about open opportunities in Europe, Asia and Africa, please contact us at info@franchiseworldlink.com for a free consultation.

We are proud to announce that Mike Rosenberg of the Steering Committee of Franchise World Link had published a new book about Strategy and Sustainability.

Mike focuses on bridging the gap between maximizing this year’s profit and working towards achieving long term environmental benefits.

Approaching the business from sustainable point of view, planning ahead and incorporating sustainability as part of the business strategy is key in our global changing business environment.

At Franchise World Link we think that franchise business models in general can achieve sustainability in managing their resources and development much faster than stand-alone businesses. A strategy & sustainability approach to any business model would be key in the 21st century.

We congratulate Mike on publishing this important work on business and sustainability and looking forward to continuing our work in helping franchisors in various countries and strategically guide CEOs to expand abroad through franchising or licensing.

Contact us for more information if you plan to expand carefully and strategically your franchise business internationally.

Franchise World Link is an international franchise broker focusing on helping franchise businesses to expand abroad.

The first convention for the Franchise World Link country managers was held on 27 and 28 May 2015 in Paris. Local representatives from Vietnam, Chile (South America), Kenya, Spain, Singapore, Philippines, Israel, and the Netherlands turned out for the event. Other country managers from South Africa, Australia, the United States and Morocco were attending by videoconferencing.

The convention was organized over 2 days:

On the first working day, each participant presented the activities of his own country (GDP, economic growth, franchising, Master Franchise projects in progress …). Then, the participants worked on key strategic elements to be included in a Master Franchise agreement with a particular focus on regulatory constraints applying to distribution laws in different countries. The first day ended with a benchmark of best practices from each country manager.

The next day, each representative of these countries had an appointment with selected upstream investors. These potential future master franchisees came from all over France to explain their investment projects in order to acquire the right to the French Master Franchise.

The various directors of international development for ten French franchisor also had the opportunity to meet with Franchise World Link country managers to discuss opportunities for exporting their brands to their respective countries. The feedback from our franchise professionals and the support offered to the countries of destination assured interest in international development.

“This two-day convention allowed each country manager from Franchise World Link to exchange in a more user-friendly way than via weekly video conferences. It also brought a lot to everyone in terms of sharing methodology and knowledge of the potential of franchise systems growth on every continent “specifies Olivier Guerrero, CEO of World Franchise Link.

Franchise World Link operates in 10 countries worldwide. These country managers all have experience in the world of franchising and licensing systems in their respective countries. Franchise World Link is a technology platform that connects all players in the world of franchising in fast-growing countries worldwide: individual (individual franchisee?), creator and entrepreneur, startup, franchisor, master franchisor and investor.

Franchise World Link will help you franchise your business abroad and develop your international expansion strategy. FWL is built around a business flow offering various opportunities in franchising, licensing and joint venture.

In France, World Franchise Link is represented by two very experienced professionals and franchise experts:

Thierry Bismuth, in charge of relations with the candidates (selected French investors wishing to acquire the Master Franchise for foreign brands in France).

David Borgel, in charge of relations with French retail Franchisor wishing to go international (analysis of economic feasibility, legal aspects, customs and logistics for export projects).

PR contact France : david.borgel@franchiseworldlink.com / +33 6 11 19 18 44

PR contact International : kate.hubchyk@franchiseworldlink.com

Pourquoi un concept étranger va-t-il fonctionner en France et pas un autre ? Quels obstacles une enseigne doit-elle surmonter pour s’implanter ? David Borgel, country manager France chez Franchise World Link, livre ses conseils en la matière.

Crédits photo : Droits Réservés
David Borgel, country manager France chez Franchise World Link.



La France a toujours eu un côté attractif, et ce à plusieurs niveaux. Il ne faut pas oublier qu’il s’agit de la première destination touristique mondiale, preuve que le territoire séduit à l’étranger par de nombreux aspects. Etonnamment pourtant, un grand nombre de concepts originaux n’ont pas encore été importés, laissant un champ des possibles immense pour nombre d’enseignes internationales. Dernièrement, par exemple, Paris a vu arriver plusieurs concepts d’escape game*. Face au succès remporté, ce concept importé d’Asie commence à se développer plus largement sur le territoire et dans le reste de l’Europe (NDLR relire notre article sur les ambitions de Mystery Escape). Il s’agit d’une première : personne n’avait jamais véritablement réfléchi à un concept ludique destiné aux adultes.

Autre facteur : le dynamisme du pays. Quoi qu’on en dise, le marché français demeure attractif. Surtout, les Français sont familiers des chaînes et la franchise est un mode de distribution qui fonctionne bien dans le pays (NDLR la France est le premier marché européen en matière de franchise). D’autant que des organismes sérieux existent, comme la Fédération française de la franchise et l’Iref, qui peuvent conseiller et aider les acteurs.


Beaucoup pourraient penser automatiquement aux prix de l’immobilier commercial dans certaines zones, à la fiscalité en vigueur ou à d’autres facteurs de ce type. Toutefois, je pense qu’il s’agit davantage de mythes plutôt que de véritables freins. En revanche, j’ai pu constater au travers de mon expérience un obstacle au développement d’une enseigne en franchise en France : la barrière de la langue. Je suis impressionné de voir que les marques étrangères peinent à pénétrer le marché simplement parce que beaucoup parlent mal anglais. Ce qui se traduit par une pénibilité plus grande pour nouer des relations directes avec les acteurs locaux, notamment lorsqu’il s’agit de trouver un partenaire de confiance avec qui se développer. Dans d’autres pays européens comme l’Allemagne, ce genre de problématique se pose moins.


Lorsqu’une enseigne étrangère envisage de s’implanter en France, elle doit se poser les mêmes questions que tout réseau avant de s’installer dans une zone précise : il n’y a pas de différence majeure. Une solide étude de marché doit être menée, et l’enseigne doit s’entourer d’experts pour obtenir des conseils avisés. Bien sûr, la particularité culturelle doit être prise en compte : tout concept ne peut être développé partout avec succès.

La plus grosse erreur que pourrait commettre une marque réside dans le choix de son partenaire à l’export : qu’il s’agisse d’une master-franchise, d’une joint-venture ou d’une franchise directe, les risques d’échecs sont fortement partagés avec cet acteur. Surtout dans le cadre d’une master-franchise, où un seul partenaire sera en charge du développement de l’enseigne au niveau national. D’ailleurs, certains groupes très prudents optent pour une segmentation du pays en master-franchises régionales. Un moyen aussi de multiplier les droits d’entrée. Mais, il ne s’agit pas obligatoirement de la formule la plus conseillée : l’important est de sélectionner le bon partenaire.

*Escape game : jeu consistant à sortir d’une pièce en résolvant une série d’énigmes.

Franchise World Link arrive en France

Né aux Etats-Unis en 2014, Franchise World Link est un service de mise en relation entre tous les acteurs de la franchise dans le monde. Investisseurs, enseignes, master-franchiseurs, entrepreneurs… Le but est de faire se rencontrer les porteurs de projets et financeurs pour développer avec succès des concepts étrangers dans certains pays.  « L’initiative est partie d’un constat simple, explique David Borgel, en charge de la France pour Franchise World Link, avec Thierry Bismuth (Odyssée RH).Plusieurs réseaux ont essayé de partir à l’étranger, mais ont échoué, le plus souvent par méconnaissance du marché local. » Le but de cette plateforme ne consiste donc pas seulement en une mise en relation des futurs partenaires, mais veille aussi à promulguer des conseils avisés pour réussir l’implantation dans le pays.  « Certaines marques nous sollicitent même pour des marchés similaires ou proches, comme l’Espagne et les Pays-Bas », poursuit David Borgel.
Aujourd’hui présents dans une quinzaine de pays comme les Etats-Unis, le Kenya, l’Australie, le Japon, le Maroc et le Viêtnam, ces   « courtiers en achat et vente de master-franchises », selon les termes du dirigeant Olivier Guerrero, pourraient faciliter l’introduction de nouveaux concepts étrangers sur le marché français dans un avenir proche.

As seen in LesEchos: http://www.lesechosdelafranchise.com/dossiers/la-france-terre-d-accueil-pour-les-franchises-etrangeres/d-borgel-franchise-world-link-la-france-a-toujours-eu-un-cote-attractif-46321.php